Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Roll Call

Who's planning on going to Campus Harvest this weekend or who'll just be in town??

Monday, March 28, 2005

Neither SINK nor DINK

Refusing to be constrained by the archaic labels of SINK (Single Income No Kids) or DINK (Double Income No Kids), I am pleased to announce my graduation into a new classification...
SI2K = Single Income 2 Kitties!!!!
On Saturday, two little bundles of joy came bouncing into my life. Apple Jack and Zoe are 11 weeks old, orange tabby brother and sister with energy and personality to spare.
I’ll be showing off pictures of them to anyone who will let me!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Life Group TONIGHT (3/21) - Meet at Church!

Hey Life Groupies,
Don't forget, TONIGHT our life group will be meeting at the church for the first of this week's Passion Week prayer meetings. Be there by 7:00 and it'll run until about 8:30 (end time subject to change at the Holy Spirit's discretion).

Our church body will be gathering every night this week (M-F) at that same bat-time to come together corporately to praise God and intercede for our community, our country and the nations of the world. Prepare to be changed!

Also, please join us at my apartment after the prayer meeting on TUESDAY night to celebrate Sunghee and to send her off to sunny L.A. with prayer and blessings. (Her departure date is next Monday 3/28)
Please bring something snacky if you can. 806-1424 for diros (my place is between KPIC and Highgate)

Friday, March 18, 2005

More Pictures!

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What do you get when a birthday and lifegroup Monday coincide? Double-delight! We get to celebrate a friend and eat cake! Cake by none other than Slee

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Life groupers celebrating and shooting the breeze.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Peeps Are Back!

It's that time of year again, when the grocery store aisles are lined with those fluffy little yellow, pink, and blue marshmallow peeps & bunnies. Whether you find them gross and freaky or deliciously festive, you'll surely enjoy this site dedicated to their noble contributions to science.
I just had to bring it back...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sunghee's Apartment

Where are the pictures of your new digs??

Friday, March 11, 2005

Friday Night Flicks

For anyone who's interested in watching "Ladder 49" tonight, come join us at my place at 7:30pm. We've got plenty of b-day brownie-cake and ice cream (did someone say Magic Shell?) and you can fight over the last pieces of Sunghee's fabulous cake from Monday night. Call after 5:00 if you need directions 806-1424. Whoohooooo!!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Faith in Action

I love how God works.

I work in a restaurant and we have lots of food vendors that come in every week that you build relationships with over time. We changed the company that delivers our filets about a month ago and I've been getting to know the new guy. Early on he told me that his wife is really sick and in a lot of pain but for the past year and a half docotors have been unable to identify the problem.

Yesterday, I asked about her and really felt the Holy Spirit urging me to tell him that I've been praying for Bonnie. It opened up this entire conversation on prayer and faith for healing and it turned out they are Christian. He is really discouraged but in talking with him it is obvious he has poured over the scriptures. What he told me was that he feels like the Psalm where David says the heavens are like brass and his prayers bounce back down unheard and unanswered. The more we talked the more he encouraged himself. He has recently told his wife that she needs to be like the blind man who cries out to Jesus even though he is told to be quite. They are going to begin crying out to God.

I'd really like to put our faith into action by believing with the Vaughn family as they seek the Lord.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

(Nashville pics for those who haven't seen 'em.)

You didn't think I'd be so tacky as to post them all here, did you? :) You can see them at a shiny new blog I created especially for this purpose.

Behold... TheEdwinShow

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sarah Anne's 27

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, We're glad you found your hubcap, dear Sarah, Happy Birthday to you!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Jason's Grandfather...

...passed away Saturday around 6ish. He wasn't much in the mood to field calls from everyone. I did get his address so if you would like to get something together for his family that would be great. His address is:

502 Deerfield Dr.
Kings Mountain, NC 28086

Friday, March 04, 2005

Thursday Night Workout

Have you ever gotten slam-blessed by God at the last-minute?
It happened to Stan & Bobbie Ward last night, in the form of a moving crew of 7. They had just (as in JUST) rolled in from Jackson, Mississippi – led by God in an act of extreme faith – and brought a monster truckload of over 2000 boxes. Okay, I exaggerate. But between the crazy number of boxes, miscellaneous furniture, harpoon fishing equipment, classy couches, and the set of huge Jeep tires, it would be an understatement to say that they needed help if they wanted to be unpacked by April. Their teenage grandson Chris would surely have met Jesus prematurely if we hadn’t shown up to lend a hand.
So, thanks to someone having Captain Matt “The Mover” Perdue’s phone number, he rounded up a full moving crew in less time than it takes a pastor to find a Bojangles. A hearty “thank you” is extended to everyone who was able to come out.

We’re sorry for those of you who missed out on the fun. I hope everyone will get to meet Stan & Bobbie Ward at church and hear their story about how God told them to move to NC and go to KPIC, and in total faith because they still don’t know what they will be doing here. Whoohoooo!!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Living the High Life

I'm looking for someone who is interested in living in Downtown Durham in West Village. If you all know of any King's Parker looking for a place to live after May send them my direction.