Monday, November 28, 2005

Dryer For Sale

I need to sell a dryer (as in W/D but without the W) for a friend in the next couple of weeks, so if you know anyone who needs one, please let me know. I keep forgetting to check what brand it is, but I can attest to the fact that it isn't very old and it's in perfect condition. I would keep it myself, but for the fact I have no use for it.
Price is $75, which is waaaay cheaper than reasonable, because EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!

There is one condition, though: The buyer would have to come and get it themselves and we're on the 3rd floor.

Physical labor: 30 minutes.
A lifetime of dry clothes: Priceless.

Call me at 806-1424.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Mrs. Merridith Cho

Saturday at 1:30pm

Our Young Adults pastor, Rich Cho, and one of our own aXcess leaders, Merridith Meade, tied the knot.

To show their love and support, I believe the guys were daring each other to push the bride and groom into the pool...

Just a reminder to be careful who you invite to your big day.

Eddie's Secret to Marathon Training

Ceeece! and Jonathan

Seasoned Drama Professional
Reining Spades Co-Champion

Nelvin, Guilherme, & Peter

Love those ties!

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

See the play BEFORE the movie! I'll be in a stage production of "LWW" this December and wanted to invite you all to the wardrobe, I mean, show!

"The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." Dec. 7, 8.7:30pm. FREE. Covenant Church of Raleigh, 12621Strickland Road, Raleigh, NC 27613. Call 919-846-8742.

Call me with any questions. 380-0997 (h) 272-1320 (c). Hope you can make it. Should be fun!


Friday, November 18, 2005

KPIC Tree lot & Singles Retreat/Conference

(This is a message from Renee Revis, and I figured I'd post it for everyone)

Hi Everyone,
Two things to let everyone with the Axcess group know about...

First, some of us from the group are planning to work the Christmas tree lot Friday evening, Dec 2nd and then plan to grab a bite to eat after. Working the tree lot is a KPIC tradition :-), so we wanted to invite everyone else to come out and join us as well. It's a great way to serve and have fun doing it! If you can let me know if you'll be able to join us, that would be great. We just need to make sure we have enough people (especially guys :-) to cover it. (Email Renee at or call her cell: 622-3669).

Second, I wanted to pass on some information about the upcoming Singles Retreat/Conference. It's sooner than I realized, so mark your calendars for the weekend of Feb 3rd-5th. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. We'll be going to the Canaan Valley Resort in West Va. You can check out to see the details. There's something for everyone to do, whether you're into skiing or not.

People will be coming from all of the different Every Nation churches in the East Coast region - New York, Boston, the churches in the Washington D.C. area, etc. We'll have lots of time for hanging out and having fun, so it will be a great opportunity to get to know some people from these other churches. We'll also have someone speaking, possibly for a short time Saturday morning and then on Sunday morning, but those details are still being ironed out.

The cost should be pretty affordable. At this point it looks like four people will be able to share a room for under $30/night. Or you can opt for just two to a room if you prefer. Not sure yet what else there will be, but hopefully the whole weekend will end up in the range $60-$100 (e.g., some meals may be included). This should give you an idea for planning purposes and we'll pass on additional details as we get them.

We're hoping to have a great turnout and you can help make that happen! Plan to join us and encourage others you know to come along as well :-). Stay tuned for more info...



Somebody post something new here already. :)