Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Birthday Time!!!!!! Hurray for Ceece!

The dashing Jedi Master

Who has learned from the best...

And bravely takes on many challenges...

Even when it's costly...

He's a force to be reckoned with!

Happy B-day, bro!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Blooming for Jesus: Sandra and Arit's Spring Bash April 7th

LOL. Not sure what the real "theme" will be, but just wanted to remind you to save the date for the part-tay of the season. We really enjoyed having everyone at the Christmas Party and we hope everyone comes out again, to see some new faces, and some "out of towners" (especially those in Charleston).

Monday, March 06, 2006

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

We're very blessed to have a friend so thoughtful, fun, and gifted... You knew that she was into ceramics, but were you aware of her talent and passion for film and TV?

Scene from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Seen with co-star and longtime friend Mos Def.

Pictured with Keifer Sutherland, during an appearance on 24.

Little-known fact: Sarah was the original female judge on Idol, but was replaced by Paula for being too nice to the contestants... as well as for bringing a Pepsi cup onto the set.