Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Streets at Wal Mart

I just had to take pictures of this...

Big companies like Wal Mart are famous for making things tough on the little guy (small businesses). Maybe they figure that a more "down-home" image would be good for public relations? :)

He he... Actually, While I was in Texas last week, my mom told me about this store. Since it's close to a new residential development, they modeled it so it would look fancy. Funny.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Text Messaging

This is sort of random, but I got a new phone recently and am experiencing newfound joy at the wonders of text messaging. You may not know this, but certain websites like Google let you query them for info by sending a text to a certain number, and within seconds info is sent to your phone!

Click here for more info

Friday, June 17, 2005

Sign of the Fish is going out of business

This is unfortunate news, but my boss just told me that the Sign of the Fish is going out of business. They are having mondo sales between 30% - 70% off. Get it while the getting is good. <><

Monday, June 13, 2005

Maturity may not come with Age...

But our very own Edwin Staples is celebrating his birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Eddie!

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Hello to all,

Hope everyone is well. It was nice for me to finally meet with members of the life group. I enjoyed the fellowship time that we shared and am looking forward for the upcoming gathering. Blessing to all.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

SURVEY! Blog version

Here's an easy, seven-question survey! (A fun experiment.)

All you have to do is copy the questions below, then post a comment, pasting the text into that box where you type your comments. Of course, you have to add your answers. I'm aware that the world is watching us here on the blog, so I've taken special care to ensure that none of the questions are too embarrasing or incriminating. He he. I'll go first to get you started:

1. What's your favorite breakfast restaurant, and why?
Maybe IHOP because the food is good and it has a fun atmosphere.

2. Name a bible story that you think would make a cool movie.
Story of Ruth

3. Name a favorite movie that you haven't named in a survey, yet.
Return to Oz. Great fantasy movie. Tic-Toc was my favorite character.

4. Did you ever get suspended in school? (You don't have to share why if it's really bad.)
Once in high school for being tardy to science class too many times. I wasn't a bad kid; I'd come in literally less than a 30 seconds after the bell rang, and the teacher would count it against me. One day he just had enough and suspended me, but my dad came to school the next morning and I was allowed back. I understand the teacher's frustration though, so I don't have any hard feelings now.

5. Share an interesting or funny story from employment you had as a teen.
When I was working at the Roses in Goldsboro, NC, a thunderstorm came through the town one afternoon, during hurricane season. It was raining very hard, and the power went out! This is back in the glory days of Roses, when they were right up there with K-Mart, so you have to picture a huge building. When things like that happen, some stores (like ours) won't let people leave, because shoplifters go on a spree pocketing things in the dark. Our manager made us run to get flashlights, then comb the aisles to direct people towards the entrance, where there's daylight and we could see everyone. Just as I'm walking around near the entrance, a couple of the ceiling tiles way up started to buckle under the pressure of water that had acumulated, and then, BOOM!--They were blasted away by the pressure, and a waterfall poured down (quite heavily i might add). Not for a few seconds, but for a couple of minutes, right over the men's clothing section. (I'm not making this up.) My poor panicked manager cried for us to get a couple of huge trash cans, like the kind you use outside, and we used those to collect as much water as we could. Ah.. Good times..

6. What's the last thing you ate?
I had two peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. No jelly because I didn't have any.

7. What's the last movie you saw?
I just saw Hitch (with Will Smith). It was HILARIOUS overall, and cleverly written. There is some language that could have been left out, as well as a couple of inappropriate (though short) scenes.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jonathan & Eddie eat lunch

Today we met at The Carolina Coffee Shop on Franklin Street, since we both work on campus. Chess, Sarahanne and Kim are on campus, too.

They serve breakfast until 2pm so we both got breakfast. It was good. The ambience of the restaurant is nice.

See it here

Senthil & Guilherme

Welcome to the Highgate blog party, guys!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Reasons Why I Wished I Was At LifeGroup Last Night

I could make this a Top Ten list, but I'll just stick with the basics.
These are the Top Three reasons I wished I wasn't at work last night.

Reason #1 - I miss you all so much and feel like I haven't been at LifeGroup in a long time (I guess that's because I haven't!) You're all such wonderful people and I'm glad to call you my "family"!

Reason #2 - I was at work until midnight last night. That made it a 16-hour day. (I'm running neck & neck with Kristin in her crazy work schedule)

Reason #3 - I was bit (hard) in the hand while trying to take the keys from a woman who was trying to drive away from the studio when she was either having a psychotic episode or was on drugs and she was trying to drive away with her little girl in the car and she fought me and 2 other adults and almost drove off with me hanging half-way out the car.

Working at a music studio is not for the faint of heart.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Infuze Magazine

Hey folks,

I want to share an interesting website that I found out about recently. It's an entertainment website about popular media (movies, video games, novels, comic books, etc.) but all from a Christian perspective. It's really great for getting the latest info about things, and it also lets creative peoplesubmit things to be published online for free. Very cool.

Infuze Magazine

Happy Birthday, Jonbegood!

Jonathan Byers turns a year better today, and we're going to P.F. Chang's to celebrate, tonight! I apologize for the last minute notice, but as they say, "the more, the merrier!" The plan is to meet there at 7pm. (The P.F. Chang across from Southpoint).

If you can make it, please let me know (email me at edwin_staples@yahoo.com before 5pm, or call me at 966-4232 pre-5pm & 358-3578 after 5pm). If there's a lot of us I may need to get a reservation.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Today is the First Day of Hurricane Season

Just wanted to give you one more reason for celebration on this rainy morning in JUNE